Here's a few pictures from our dinner out after the show. We went to Einsteins....(not the bagel place....)We sat outside but had to move in when it started raining. It was so dark inside I didn't take any more pictures. Joy delighted in all the rain puddles we encountered on our walk back to the car!
Here's some post-show pics from Michael Haverty's Ugly Duckling. The puppets are tabletop puppets. It was a one woman show performed by Amy Rush. Many musical instruments were built right into the set and played by the puppets and puppeteer during the show.
Here they are in all their glory! The frogs are a Bullfrog and a Spring Peeper. I did my research and tried to make them pretty realistic looking. They each have a rod in the back that allows them to jump up and down a bit as they "sing" their songs in the show. Also, my lovely Musclewood tree finally got his grand leafy head-dress! Looks fabulous! The show is being done by the Cobb county water department. I'll post pictures if/when I ever get to see it performed!
Here's some pictures from the latest puppetry guild event. We enjoyed the hilarious Sleeping Beauty by Paul Mesner, attended the post-show Q&A/meet the artist, and went out to Mellow Mushroom afterwards for pizza and beer! A good time was had by all!